Amgen Scholars Symposium

Aug 28, 2024

Amgen Scholar Emily Friedman, mentored by Alexis Weber, ends her summer research with a superb presentation.

Presentation over zoom by Emily Friedman
Luis de la Torre-Ubieta, Emily Friedman and Alexis Weber

New study in AJHG characterizes RNA editing during neurogenesis using human neural stem cells.

Aug 20, 2024

New study in collaboration with the Stein and Gandal laboratories uncovers how genetic variation impacts post-transcriptional gene regulation. Read the paper here.

Schematic of studies in Aygun et al 2024

UCLA BIG Summer Awards

Aug 16, 2024

UCLA BIG Scholars Martin Ibarra and Jesus Mauricio receive Research Excellence Awards after a summer of single-cell genomics. 

Dr. Celine Vuong receives the Outstanding Mentorship Award. 

Jesus Mauricio and Martin Ibarra presenting a poster
Dr. Celine Vuong receives mentorship award.

New study in Science uncovers gene-isoform diversity during cortical development and its impact in neurodevelopmental disorders

May 24, 2024

In our new study in collaboration with the Gandal laboratory we profiled gene-isoforms in the developing human neocortex using long-read sequencing technology at bulk and single-cell resolution. We uncovered thousands of previously uncharacterized isoforms with differential expression across cell types and developmental stages. We highlight how these isoform changes may contribute to neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Read the Research Highlight from the BSCRC.

Schematic of our study profiling gene-isoform diversity in the developing neocortex
Group picture of Science co-authors

13th Annual Neurology Science Day 

Feb 22, 2024

Alexis Weber receives an award for her dissertation research at the 13th Annual Neurology Science Day

Alexis Weber

2024 UCLA BSCRC Symposium

Feb 2, 2024

Dr. Vuong, Dr. Patowary and Alexis Weber present work in the laboratory at the 2024 BSCRC Symposium.

Lab members present posters